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Why Not Women?

At Passcom Energy Nigeria, we are passionate about creating a better future for women in the skilled trade workforce. We provide a range of services to help women gain access to quality education, training, and employment opportunities. Through our initiatives, we strive to reduce child marriage, build human capital, and generate employment for women in the Bayelsa region. We take great pride in being an ethical and responsible employer and have a strong commitment to the safety and well-being of all of our employees.

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Hey There

The world is undeniably evolving. And as we progress, traditional occupations and expectations within the workforce are changing, too. The days of should-be’s and gender roles are a thing of the past.


Since World War II, when women overtook the jobs that men left behind, women have established their rightful place within the workforce as valuable employees. Rosie the Riveter paved the way, but we still have more ground to cover to reach workplace equality.


Women make up more than half of the workforce in Nigeria, but they’re vastly underrepresented within the skilled trade fields. As we’ll discuss, there’s never been a better time for them to enter these rewarding fields.

In this article, we’ll talk about women in trade careers, some of the most in-demand skilled trades today, and how education can help you get your foot in the door.

Why Are Skilled Trades Excellent Career Choices for Women?

Skilled trades are excellent career choices for women for the same reasons they’re excellent career choices for men.

While there are pre-conceived notions about the skilled trades industries being for burly men, it just isn’t the truth. Employers are looking for highly-skilled workers who know what they’re doing, and women are equally capable as men to fill the positions.


The skilled trades industry is an exciting career path for several reasons, including:

  • Job Security: Unlike some careers, skilled trades will always be in demand — the jobs in these sectors help build and maintain the foundations of modern infrastructure.

  • Less Schooling: The time it takes to enter the workforce as an educated and sought-after tradeswoman can be much less than other career paths, and salaries within the skilled trades industry are comparable to others that require a four-year degree from a well-recognized university. A shorter education period means less time spent in the classroom and a better chance of keeping student loan debt to a minimum.

  • Upward Mobility: Does learning a skilled trade mean you’ll be doing the same job for your entire career? It doesn’t have to. There’s plenty of room within the specialized trade industry for upward mobility. Of course, some sectors have more room for movement than others, but opportunities for management and supervisory positions are common throughout many skilled trade occupations. Just because the education period is shorter and more affordable doesn’t mean you can’t potentially reach a six-figure salary.

  • Trades Are Interesting: If you don’t like the idea of working in a cubicle and enjoy working with your hands in a fast-paced environment, a skilled trade could be the right career for you. Every day on the job can be different, as well as challenging. But if you thrive in a workplace like that, it can be a rewarding career path.

  • Shortage of Skilled-Trade Employees: There is currently a shortage of skilled trades workers in the United Kingdom / United States, and employers are eager for qualified candidates. A majority of the workers in the skilled-trades industries today are middle-aged and nearing the end of their career, which will only increase the demand.



So, how will employers fill these positions?


They’re looking to the underrepresented female population. Women are especially valuable assets because diversity in the workplace is essential for a well-rounded company. Different viewpoints and alternative ideas make for excellent results — companies with a diverse work environment outperform those with a limited demographic.


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